Amidst the relentless grip of cost-of-living strains, a recent study of 2,000 UK adults revealed a dramatic 41 percent cutback in discretionary spending in 2023. The survey, a yearly appraisal, illustrates a remarkable shift in financial behaviors, showcasing how 53 percent of individuals have either successfully reached or made substantial headway towards their financial targets in the past year.

The survey pinpointed several strategies employed by Brits to achieve this feat. Forty percent of respondents slashed expenditure on non-essential items, while 35 percent opted for fewer outings. Additionally, 31 percent adhered to budgeting strategies, 27 percent aimed to boost savings, and 25 percent engaged in selling unwanted possessions.

This fiscal reformation has been distinctly visible in the reduction of monthly expenses. Takeaway spending plummeted by 47 percent, shrinking from £85.26 to £45.08 over the year, while the allocation for nights out decreased by 34 percent, from £82.34 to £54.23.

Mobile phone bills have experienced a substantial reduction of over 50 percent, with the average spend now hovering below £50 as consumers actively pursue more cost-effective deals. Furthermore, discretionary purchases like clothes and home furnishings nosedived by over 30 percent, dropping from an average monthly spend of £102.62 to £70.76 as savers demonstrated shrewd spending habits.

In a notable shift, the research unveiled a 42 percent decline in individuals living paycheck to paycheck, with only 17 percent doing so in 2023, compared to a staggering 30 percent in the previous year.

Motivated by the prevailing cost-of-living challenges, 34 percent of respondents expressed a newfound drive to bolster financial resilience. Twenty-seven percent took a firmer grip on their finances, and 19 percent drafted a budget for the very first time this year.

Brian Byrnes, head of personal finance at Moneybox, the organization behind the study, offered insight into this trend. “Despite enduring ongoing cost-of-living pressures, our latest research paints a promising picture. Brits have gone to great lengths to navigate towards their goals, exercising control over their expenses and prioritizing future savings.”

Byrnes continued, “In times of elevated inflation, tracking discretionary spending becomes challenging. However, the admirable restraint exhibited by Brits in this domain has propelled them towards financial milestones, even amidst taxing financial conditions.”

Looking ahead, as per the research conducted by OnePoll, 54 percent prioritize achieving financial goals over more traditional resolutions such as health, fitness, or learning new skills. The most common financial resolution is the establishment of a rainy-day fund (31 percent), followed by investment initiatives (18 percent), regular budgeting (16 percent), debt repayment (16 percent), and saving for travel (16 percent). Notably, 28 percent have yet to set any financial objectives for the upcoming year.

Byrnes concluded with some prudent advice, stating, “Setting goals in January lays the groundwork for a fruitful year. Regularly reviewing and revising financial plans can significantly impact short- and long-term goals. While setting resolutions is easy, commitment to them is the true challenge. Reminders every three months can aid in tracking progress, ensuring adjustments are made when necessary.”

“In the face of unforeseen events that may disrupt plans, maintaining focus on the end goal remains paramount, ensuring continual progress in the right direction,” Byrnes emphasized, underlining the importance of perseverance in financial management amidst an ever-evolving landscape of economic challenges.


As a Junior Editor, Erica Murray infuses fresh perspectives into our newsroom. Her enthusiasm for uncovering untold stories and attention to detail enriches our coverage. Erica's dedication to accuracy and her ability to capture the essence of each narrative adds depth to our content.