A new report by Ingka Centres reveals that a significant majority of Generation Z prefers to connect with friends in person rather than online. The global developer, which operates 34 meeting places across 13 countries, released its inaugural “Life in Communities” report, highlighting shifting trends in how people of various ages engage and socialise outside their homes.

Research conducted across the US, China, Sweden, Spain, and Poland surveyed 5,000 participants, uncovering that 66% of Gen Z value face-to-face interactions over virtual meetups. Despite their high digital engagement, this generation believes that in-person connections are crucial for building trust and enjoying more meaningful interactions. The study indicates that 65% of Gen Z see in-person time as essential for trust-building, while 66% believe it leads to higher quality time spent together.

The report also identifies a strong desire among Gen Z and adults alike for incorporating more play into their daily lives. Popular out-of-home activities for Gen Z include board games (18%), DIY projects (15%), and arts and crafts (12%).

However, the study highlights a paradox within this generation: despite their preference for real-life connections, many Gen Z individuals experience significant social anxiety in face-to-face settings. The report notes that 42% of Gen Z respondents feel socially anxious when meeting in person, a stark contrast to 22% of Generation X and just 15% of Baby Boomers who report similar feelings.

When asked about their ideal meeting spaces, Gen Z prioritised several key features. A majority favour spaces that are educational and entertaining (28%), inclusive (23%), accessible by various modes of transport (25%), and adaptable for individual use (24%). Additionally, they appreciate diverse food options (18%), sustainable practices (15%), and co-working spaces for collaboration (16%).

Matt Drage, Global Communication & Marketing Director at Ingka Centres, commented on the findings: “Our first ‘Life in Communities’ report has unveiled some fascinating insights. Despite their comfort with digital interactions, Gen Z strongly desires in-person connections. They are looking for spaces that are not only inclusive and welcoming but also playful. This highlights a growing demand for environments where people can gather, have fun, collaborate, and build a genuine sense of community.”

The report underscores a broader trend across generations: while digital platforms remain integral to daily life, there is an enduring and evolving need for physical spaces that foster real-world interactions and community building.
