Coursera has announced a significant milestone in the recognition of online learning credentials, with the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA) certifying 12 Professional Certificates from Google and IBM. This certification now allows these industry micro-credentials to carry European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) credit recommendations, a move expected to have wide-reaching implications across 49 member nations participating in the ECC/Bologna process.

The certification opens the door for universities, ministries, and students to accept and transfer credits earned from these online courses towards university degrees. This development marks a crucial step towards creating a global framework for the recognition of online learning and industry-specific micro-credentials.

As the labour market becomes increasingly competitive, universities and employers are turning to online learning platforms like Coursera to equip graduates with the skills required by modern industries. However, differences in national education systems often present challenges in the recognition of these qualifications. The new ECTS certification aims to address these inconsistencies, enabling more streamlined credit recognition for non-traditional credentials, including online learning and international study experiences.

Jeff Maggioncalda, CEO of Coursera, highlighted the significance of this initiative. He stated, “The recognition of ECTS credits for industry micro-credentials simplifies the process for universities to incorporate ‘career electives’ into their degree programmes. These electives not only count towards a degree but also prepare students for employment upon graduation. Higher education must work in partnership with industry to adapt to the fast-changing needs of employers and students. Industry micro-credentials with ECTS credits provide a straightforward solution to this challenge.”

Diane Freiberger, Managing Director of FIBAA, echoed these sentiments, emphasising the value of industry micro-credentials in preparing individuals for the workforce. “Industry micro-credentials provide a clear pathway to career readiness for individuals from diverse backgrounds. FIBAA certification ensures that each Professional Certificate is a quality-assured educational and training programme. This simplifies credit recognition for higher education institutions, increases employer confidence in applicants’ skills, and assures learners that their educational investments will be acknowledged.”

The FIBAA certification of ECTS credits facilitates the awarding of academic credit for courses completed outside of traditional academic settings. It evaluates the quality and creditworthiness of non-traditional content, enabling learners to earn academic recognition for their achievements. Among the newly certified courses are entry-level Professional Certificates offered on Coursera by global companies, aimed at equipping students with the skills necessary for in-demand digital jobs, including data science, cybersecurity, and UX design.

The certified courses and their respective ECTS credits include:

  • Google Data Analytics: 7 ECTS
  • Google Project Management: 6 ECTS
  • Google IT Support: 5 ECTS
  • Digital Marketing and E-Commerce: 7 ECTS
  • Google UX Design: 9 ECTS
  • Google IT Automation: 5 ECTS
  • IBM Data Engineering: 8 ECTS
  • IBM Data Science: 6 ECTS
  • IBM Cybersecurity Analyst: 4 ECTS
  • IBM Data Analyst with Excel and R: 4 ECTS
  • IBM Data Analyst: 6 ECTS
  • IBM Full Stack Software Developer: 6 ECTS

Amanda Brophy, Director of Grow with Google, expressed pride in the certification, stating, “The ECTS certification of Google Career Certificates represents a major advancement in ensuring that learners worldwide can earn academic credit while acquiring job-ready skills in high-demand fields like cybersecurity and data analytics.”

Leon Katsnelson, Director and CTO of IBM Skills Network, also commented on the achievement, noting, “Obtaining ECTS credit recommendations for IBM Professional Certificates on Coursera underscores our commitment to delivering high-quality education and empowering individuals with globally recognised qualifications.”

This collaboration between industry and academia, highlighted by the FIBAA certification, offers learners not only the opportunity to gain job-ready credentials but also to progress towards a degree, thus bridging the gap between education and industry needs.
